tinydown ======== a lightweight markdown parser beyond the regular constrains  What Does tinydown Support -------------------------- Initially ideated to write markdown on blogger or other online platforms, this fully tested parser can do the following: * lists, like this one, both ordered and / or unordered with the possibility to go new line preserving the list item 1. so that this becomes a nested item 2. and this one too * _em_ and __strong__ via single or double * or _ * paragraphs to keep the semantic right * blockquotes and nested block quotes * links and images * hr, br, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 * code blocks, `inline blocks`, and ``tick`box`` * basically all you can do with markdown in a sort of simplified way ... **plus** * **twitter** handlers, just `@handler` and a link to the profile will be created, ie @WebReflection * **youtube** embedded videos, i.e. ``  * __gists__ from github, hacking the `document.write` like a boss so you can do that on the fly regardless `` will produce  You can also try [the test page](http://webreflection.github.io/tinydown/test/test.html) able to show this own layout on the fly. - - - enjoy © Mit Style WebReflection
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