
connect('print', function (webView, print_operation: WebKit2.PrintOperation, ): Boolean);

Emitted when printing is requested on @web_view, usually by a javascript call, before the print dialog is shown. This signal can be used to set the initial print settings and page setup of print_operation to be used as default values in the print dialog. You can call WebKit2.PrintOperation.prototype.set_print_settings and WebKit2.PrintOperation.prototype.set_page_setup and then return false to propagate the event so that the print dialog is shown.

You can connect to this signal and return true to cancel the print operation or implement your own print dialog.


instance of WebKit2.WebView that is emitting the signal


the WebKit2.PrintOperation that will handle the print request


true to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. false to propagate the event further.